Managed Sourcing - Always the best from IT!
IT developments occur in rapid succession. Long-term contracts with one supplier mean that you commit and, as a result, cannot adequately respond to the changing IT needs in your organisation. Protinus IT does offer the necessary flexibility due to its independent status. This is because you conclude framework contracts with us to which providers with new solutions in the field of hardware, software, human skills and practices can be added at any time.

Find. Connect. Enhance.
Our partner network is the largest and most unique in the Netherlands. It is built to allow you to keep up with developments in IT. You no longer have to search and select, we have already done that for you.
This offers you freedom of choice and flexibility, because we can link any question to the right solution for your organisation at any time. Within a framework contract of several years, you, therefore, remain flexible and keep your IT at the highest level.
In the field of purchasing, we strengthen your IT position because, with our partner network, we can offer you the best price for the best product. In addition, you can access information and overviews of all requests and orders for the necessary control information via a closed portal.

Freedom of choice
Always have the freedom to choose the right solution for every IT issue instead of being tied to a long-term contract with one brand.
Keep up with developments now and in the future, as new IT partners and brands can be added to the contract at any time.
Purchasing advantage
Enjoy a competitive advantage by being able to choose from several providers instead of signing a contract with one brand.
Insight and overview
Gain direct insight into all your contracts and agreements via our dashboard at any time. This includes extensive reporting options for easy management.